User Inputs in SwiftUI

User Inputs in SwiftUI


4 min read

Hi all, today I’m going to demonstrate how to handle user inputs in SwiftUI. This might sound simple, however, there’re a lot of details to pay attention to. For instance, let’s look at the questions below:

  • do we need to hide inputs for passwords?

  • what if the app needs a looooooong text?

  • can I add a border for a text field?

  • what should be on the "return" button for the users to press when they finish typing?

  • how can I change the keyboard for different contents? Say numbers only, numbers with decimals, email addresses, phone numbers or websites. They all should have a different keyboard layout right?

  • how can I run some code when the input value changes?

The code of this post is available here.

Types of Fields

There are three types of fields in SwiftUI - TextField, SecureField and TextEditor. They are all SwiftUI views so we can use them as other views.

Typically, most of the user inputs of a piece of smalled-sized information can be handled with a TextField, while SecureField can be used for inputs of confidential information such as passwords or one-time verification codes. And for longer inputs such as a note, comment or review, TextEditor will be the most suitable choice.

Let’s create a ScrollView with two Textfields, a SecureField and a TextEditor and they’ll be used for entering "User name", "Email", "Password" and "Note" respectively.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var usernameInput: String = ""
    @State private var emailInput: String = ""
    @State private var passwordInput: String = ""
    @State private var noteInput: String = ""
    var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                TextField("Username", text: $usernameInput)
                    .frame(minHeight: 50)
                TextField("Email", text: $emailInput)
                    .frame(minHeight: 50)
                SecureField("Password", text: $passwordInput)
                HStack {
                    Text("Notes" + ":")
                TextEditor(text: $noteInput)
            .padding(.horizontal, 15)
            .navigationTitle("User Inputs")

Let’s enter some values and see the differences mentioned above:


To add a border to a text field, we can use the modifier textFieldStyle, and pass a value .roundedBorder. Another option of style is called .plain and it makes the field look the same as if it doesn’t have a border.

TextField("Username", text: $usernameInput)

A text field without the .textFieldStyle modifier and the code above (with plain field style) both look like the screenshot below:

Now let’s look at a text field with a rounded border-style:

TextField("Username", text: $usernameInput)

And of course, we can add a custom border with the view modifier overlay with a stroked rounded rectangle. (For more about shapes, check out this post.)

Auto-capitalization & auto-correction

Notice that while we enter a name in the "Username" text field, iOS automatically detects "typos" and highlights the input. What’s worse, it’s going to "fix" the typo.

To disable auto-correction, we can add the modifier .autocorrectionDisabled(true).

Similarly, certain fields expect all lowercased letters, we don’t want the auto-capitalization enabled either.

In such a case, we can use .textInputAutocapitalization(.never) to disable auto-capitalization. If needed, we can also use the value .word, .sentence to set the capitalization rule.

Keyboard Type

Speaking of email, the keyboard will be more user-friendly if the @ character is available without having to switch to special characters. To realize this, we can add the following modifier to the text fields for email addresses.


Similarly, we can pass a .URL for websites, .phonePad for phone numbers (with # and *), .numberPad for numeric inputs, .decimalPad for currency/amount inputs.

Return Type

The "return" key is the button on the keyboard pressed when the input finishes. And the label "return" doesn’t make sense sometimes. For instance, in a browser, if the user typed some keywords to search, the label should be "search" instead of "return".

SwiftUI also provides us with a view modifier .submitLabel and we can use values such as .search, .next, .continue, .join.

On-Submit or On-Change Action

To call a function or perform certain actions when the "return" key is pressed, we can use .onSubmit with a closure of code to execute.

For instance, if the password field is the last input field on a sign-up screen, we can perform validation/user creation with .onSubmit. Instead of offering another "Continue" button.

SecureField("Password", text: $passwordInput)
    .onSubmit {
        // validation code goes here

Another situation of actions is on-change: for instance, if the field is for searching, we might need to fetch filtered data every time the input value changes.

.onChange(of: <#valueToMonitor#>) { newValue in
    // process the new value here

And that’s all of this post. I hope it helped you get a better understanding of types of fields and their implementation in practice.

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